
how to become a vampire in real life by a spell

How to become a vampire in ESOBecoming a Vampire in Elder Scrolls Online is a goal for many players. Even if they don't fully understand the benefits of vampires, it's still an exciting prospect.

This guide will tell you how to become a vampire, give you exact vampire spawn locations on the map, and explain the pros and cons of vampirism.

Quick jump to:

  • How to become a Vampire
  • Player bites
  • NPC bites
  • Bloodfiend spawn locations map
  • When do Bloodfiends spawn
  • How to get infected with Vampirism
  • I got infected with Vampirism, what's next?
  • Pros and cons of Vampires
  • Benefits of becoming a Vampire
  • Downsides of Vampirism
  • How to cure Vampirism
  • Final thoughts

How to become a Vampire

There are several steps involved in becoming a Vampire, the first of which is to get bitten by one. You can either get bitten by players or NPC vampires, and below you can find out how each of these works.

Player bites

Hot vampire

I'd let her bite just about anything…

A player who is already a Vampire can bite other players once a week, assuming they have a skill point into Blood Ritual, a passive skill in the Vampire skill line. For the bite to work both you and the vampire player must be located at a specific ritual altar (locations marked on maps below), and the Blood Ritual spell must of course not be on cooldown.

The good part of getting a vampire bite from a player is that it's guaranteed to work, whereas finding Bloodfiends (NPC vampires) to bite you can be difficult. The downside is that most players will charge you a fee for the bite, and the prices vary around 5,000g – 10,000g.

Though asking for a bite fee is generally frowned upon in the community there's a ton of players doing it, and if you have trouble finding NPCs to bite you it's a very convenient choice.

NPC bites

Vampires in Bangkorai

Bloodfiends spawned in Silaseli Ruins in Bangkorai.

The free way to get your Vampire skill line is finding specific monsters called Bloodfiends. The trick is these monsters are not spawned at all times, and are typically quickly killed by players (often just to make it more difficult to obtain the skill line, thus enabling selling bites).

Bloodfiends that can infect you with vampirism are spawned only at very specific locations in Bangkorai, Reaper's March, and The Rift (level 37-44 zones). The exact locations are marked on the maps attached below. Note that there are "Bloodfiend" monsters at various locations in the game, but only the ones in these locations will work!

Bloodfiend vampire spawn locations maps:

Below are maps of Bangkorai, Reaper's March, and The Rift with marked locations of Bloodfiend spawns:

Friendly tip: if you can access the Veteran-rank zones, Bloodfiends also spawn at the same locations and typically have far less players fighting over them.

When do Bloodfiends spawn?

Blood fiend vampires only spawn at night, typically around midnight, in-game time (you can get certain interface addons to show you in-game time if you feel it's necessary).

You'll often hear about these monsters only spawning during certain moon phases, but it's never been completely confirmed.

Your best bet is to check the spawn locations every night, and hope you can find them. It might even take up to a week, since Bloodfiends spawn only once every few days, and may be killed by players by the time you get there.

How to get infected with Vampirism

Once you find Bloodfiends at these locations, you can be nice to your fellow adventurers and leave them alive for others to get infected. All that's required is to get attacked by them 2-3 times and they will automatically infect you and trigger a quest.

Vampirism buff

Once bitten by a true Vampire, you can verify in your character's window.

You can verify you got the infection by checking active effects/buffs on your character's status screen: look for Vampirism.

I got infected by Vampirism, what's next?

Vampire quest npc

A quest you say? Sounds delicious…

Travel to the nearest wayshrine, and you'll be greeted by an NPC which will give you a level 38 quest called "Scion of the Blood Matron". It's recommended not to try this quest unless you're at least level 30, but with certain tricks it can be completed even sooner. You will not be able to group for this quest, so don't expect help from anyone!

Going through the quest will reveal some Vampire lore in ESO you might find interesting, but I'll skip the spoilers. Simply follow quest objectives like any other quest and once you're done, you'll obtain your Vampire skill line and abilities permanently.

Pros and cons of Vampires

Having an additional skill tree is always great, but vampirism has its drawbacks as well. Make sure you read all about benefits and drawbacks of being a Vamp before you decide to become one!

Benefits of becoming a Vampire

It wasn't until a few months after release that Veteran content got nerfed a bit (damage-wise), and Templar class got buffed. Back in the early days of ESO on my first character (Templar) I had a lot of trouble leveling up in Veteran zones. Some of it was due to my inexperience, but fighting 3-4 mobs at once could get tricky.

Drain Essence and Bat Swarm skills from the Vampire skill line really helped me a lot at that time, as they provided some much-needed sustain during extended fights where I was running out of both health and mana. The point of the story is, if you're having trouble leveling, vampirism may help your character survive as well and is worth trying out.

You also get largely increased movement speed while sneaking, enabling you to even skip many monsters more easily since they have less time to aggro you while you're speeding away. Engaging fights by feeding can give you a few precious seconds at the start of the encounter, and Drain Essence active ability gives you a decent amount of health and stamina to keep you alive in a pinch.

Lastly, being a vampire is just cool. As in Wesley Snipes level of cool, not sparkly Robert Pattinson. But whatever you prefer.

Downsides of Vampirism

1. Feeding

Vampire quest sucking

These helpful ladies are sucking the life out of me. You'll be doing it a lot too!

First important thing to understand about vampires is feeding. Not necessarily a big drawback, but being unable to feed for an extended period can be inconvenient.

Your character can be in 4 different stages of vampirism, depending on the time since you last fed:

  • Stage 1 Vampirism – You take 50% more damage from fire attacks.
  • Stage 2 Vampirism – Your health regenerates 25% slower. You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. Your Vampirisim abilities cost 20% less health to cast.
  • Stage 3 Vampirism – Your health regenerates 50% slower. You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. Your Vampirisim abilities cost 40% less health to cast.
  • Stage 4 Vampirism – Your health regenerates 75% slower. You take 50% more damage from fire attacks. Your Vampirisim abilities cost 60% less health to cast.

You can feed by sneaking to any humanoid in the game (special skill prompt pops up, followed by a disgusting animation if you accept). If you don't feed for 30 minutes, you will get from Stage 1 to Stage 2. Not feeding for 60 and subsequently 90 minutes can get you to Stage 4 Vampirism, in which case your health regeneration is substantially reduced.

As mentioned though not necessarily a huge downside, it can be difficult to feed in certain situations (such as clearing a group dungeon), and low health regeneration can hurt you a lot if you're the tank. You can only suck the life out of warm-blooded humanoid enemies (so no animals, ghosts, etc., and shockingly not even banker NPCs count). In group dungeons, monsters always come in larger groups making it overly dangerous to try and feed off of them (remember, you have to sneak up to them and channel for a few seconds).

What will most definitely hurt you even more though is the extra fire damage you receive. Fire is probably the most common magic damage type in Elder Scrolls Online, and receiving 50% extra damage can make certain encounters quite difficult. More on that below!

2. Fire vulnerability

As a Vampire your character takes 50% extra fire damage! When leveling solo it doesn't really matter (fire is usually AoE and therefore easy to avoid), but if you're serious about doing Veteran dungeons you will run into trouble.

It's far from impossible to be a vampire and do high-level endgame content, but 50% extra fire damage will hurt you eventually, especially in raids (trials). Personally I finished both Hel'ra Citadel and Aetherian Archives as a Vampire on my Templar healer, but only because my guild carried me. Last phase on the last boss in AA for example is impossible to survive as a vampire, so you better hope your group can finish it without you. Hel'Ra is even less Vampire-friendly, but a skilled group and some fancy footwork can get you those clear achievements.

But, Trials may be a long way for you or you may even not want to participate in them, so it'll rarely be a reason not to take vampirism. Veteran dungeons on the other hand are quite fun, and certain encounters can be difficult for Vampires. If you're a healer or DPS you can fairly easily reposition and avoid most fire damage, but if you're a tank I would not recommend being a Vampire as it can be very inconvenient to re-position at times.

Essentially fire damage is very common in the game and in endgame content can hurt a lot with Vampire's vulnerability, and you should certainly consider this drawback if you intend to dabble in group content.

3. Character appearance

Samurai Vampire

My samurai Vampire is quite ugly without the mempo.

Most players don't care much about this issue, but becoming a vampire changes your character's appearance. Your eyes turn red and your skin becomes white, and for some players that's a deal-breaker.

If you don't care about your character's ugly mug, then this definitely doesn't apply to you.

Alternatively you could always play ESO in black and white by tinkering with your graphics card settings, or use a more convenient solution: wear a helmet.

4. PvP vulnerability

A Fighters Guild ability called Silver Bolts can hurt an awful lot in PvP, and considering the popularity of Vampires and Werewolves it's no surprise to see every other player using Silver Bolts. Players who primarily PvP and spend their days and nights in Cyrodiil will likely want to avoid vampirism.

How to cure Vampirism

Becoming a Vampire gives you the spells and passives permanently, unless you decide to cure it. Unlike getting afflicted by it, curing vampirism is very simple: find a priest of Arkay in a nearby large town (like Riften), pay a small gold fee and you'll be free of the curse.

Note that curing Vampirism saves your experience progress in the skill line and ability morphs, so if you decide to get re-infected in the future you won't have to start leveling from scratch.

Final thoughts

Samurai Vampire in medium armor

Told you.

Vampires are quite popular in the game regardless of their upsides and downsides. It's quite exciting to immerse yourself in the sneaky and somewhat evil gameplay, not to mention vampiric abilities can be very useful and complement your class skills very well.

On the other hand most Veteran players are sooner or later curing their curse, largely because of the substantially increase fire damage received when infected.

I hope this vampire guide gives you all facts you need to know about this skill line, and it's up to you to decide if becoming a vampire is good or bad. Either way, let us know what you think about being a Vampire in the comments below.

how to become a vampire in real life by a spell


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