Introduction: Bluetooth Speaker With Blinking Junction rectifier Strips

Hi friends... When I've decided to learn how to play pianissimo, I searched in the YouTube,and found tutorials and downloaded a piece by Dmitri Shostakovitch (Valse No 2), which I recommend listening to information technology (for those who haven't listened thereto ) and sat push down connected the stool of the piano and tried to play, but I quickly realized that I needed to refer to the instructor repeatedly while I was performin the piece and I thought if I had Bluetooth speakers to connect to my cell phone by wireless Bluetooth that would be fantastic, indeed I decided to gain one but small one which could be put happening the piano top with, and then I made that and now I am going to excuse how I did that.

I had five grand goals in fashioning this amplifier which are as follows:

1- Being cheap

2- Organism small

3- Easy repairable

4- Well Chargeable

5- Being outboard

This kinda Bluetooth speakers are everyplace and you can happen their circuits in many sites including Instructables and fashioning that is not a difficult job but perhaps the most gripping part of the present amplifier is, its power supply is nigh free of charge because use of goods and services has been made of laptop discarded batteries which are great batteries that makes it movable with a long-acting charging life. Ease of fixing comes when you make the housing, which I made it with two sides of that sliding and by removing these two sides everything would be accessible and repairable. Organism small is the duration of edges are just 13 Cm that is just enough for the blasting speakers to be fit in the side, and lastly cheapness comes for the tuppeny parts utilized in it and the total price of it has become just $ 10 which is beautiful cheap.

Step out 1: The Circuits

Thither are ii circuits in this amplifier:

1- The Bluetooth circuit

2- The blinking ransack diodes circuit

Some of these circuits were copied from early works of others but I did some modification in both of them, in blinking diode circuit I changed the power supply to 12 V and the R3 and R4 resistors to 100 k and I have use strip diodes for better undemanding and smarter appearance. In Bluetooth circuit I have used PAM8403: , and put-upon BT163 Bluetooth receiver.

Step 2: Materials and Parts

The inclination of materials and parts are every bit follows:

1- Bluetooth speakers:

- Unrivalled PAM8403 :

- One, Bluetooth receiver, BT163

- Two, speakers, 3 W and 8 Ohm each

-One, Audio jack

- One USB female for BT163

- One, rocker switch

-Same, small perf. board

- Cardinal, 2 -Pin Cable Wire Terminal Connectors

- One 8705 governor IC

- Enough wires

2 - Closed strip diodes

- Two, 10 Cm inflexible strip diodes, One red, One green

-Two, 100 Ohm resistors

-Two, BC547 Transistors

-Two, 100 k Ohm resistors

- Two, 10 uF electrolytic capacitors

- Uncomparable, rock 'n' roll musician/on-off switch

- One, small perf. board

-Two, 2 -Pin Cable television Wire Terminal Connectors

3 - Batteries for both of the to a higher place circuits, three 4 V batteries taken over out of a discarded laptop battery and soldered in series to piss them 12 V

- A tycoo/ charging jack

4- Housing

- Five, 13 Centimetre * 13 Cm pieces of poly-carbonate sheet 6 mm jellylike

- Ii, 13 Cm * 13 Curium PVC sheet 3 mm thickness ( i have used two of these sheets for top side)

- One cover ( I take over used a spare kitchen locker door handle)

- Two pieces of 12 Cm* 12 Cm wire mesh screens with undersize mesh ( Arsenic speakers contraceptive cover)

- 300 Cm of physical phenomenon channel with 1 Cm width ( for edges of third power sides)

- 8 screws with nuts for fixing speakers and 4 screws for holdfast perf boards to bed position of the dice.

Step 3: Tools and Related Materials

Tools needed for this labor:

1- Bonding Iron and solder

2- Cutter

3- Mucilage

4- 10 Cm Circle cutter

5- Drill

Step 4: How to Make It

1- Bluetooth circuit should be implemented according to the operating instructions Eastern Samoa follows:

Now drive the PAM8403 and solder its terminals as follows:

- Left speaker + wire should be soldered to the + differentiate of left utterer on the PAM board

- Right speaker + conducting wire should be soldered to the + gull of Right speaker on the PAM board

- Two wires should be soldered to 5 V terminals of PAM board and the strange sides of them to 5 V terminals of the perfboard

- An audio frequency jack should be soldered to L, G, R of the PAM circuit board - A female USB should be taken and two wires should glucinium soldered to + and - pins of that, and these two wires should be connected to 5 V of the perfboard terminals( so two wires should be connected to + and two wires to - terminals)

- The Bluetooth should beryllium connected to audio jack and female USB - The Bluetooth circuit should be inserted in to the container and speakers should be put in appropriate place(holes were already made on two sides of the empty cream container)

2- Blinking diode circuit should be implemented the same way as the amplifier part,i.e. for the first time on a breadboard and then on a perfboard, there is not much difficultness here but the transistors should be soldered in a right way another wise information technology doesn't shape properly, again test this part by in some stages i.e. bread board and perf board.

3- making the housing by beginning making edges by victimisation physical phenomenon ducts as if you are making a photo frame and insert those poly carbonate sheets in to the frame and glue them together, for speakers you need to make holes with 10 Cm diameters on deuce of poly carbonate sheets and then to atomic number 4 able to attach the speakers but before that you should set u the wire meshes in situ. comprise scrupulous to glue sides in square direction to make 90 degree angle 'tween sides. Glue all sides except the front, back and top sides,shuffle appropriate holes for switches, audio frequency jacklight and charging jack on the front and insert those parts in place and glue them aright then gum two 10 Cm inflexible strip diodes in put back on the front position Then screw down both perf boards happening the bottom side and leave the assembly aside for next stage. Now you have a cube with two sides not built back and top.

premiere make a U shape frame from electrical duct and mucilage them in come out to the existing frames and and so glue a piece of electrical channel to one side of the finis poly carbonate plane then insert the sheet in to the slots of the U frame attached in localise.

The last part is the tipto side, world-class fix a U frame out of electric canal then glue them on the exceed to active ensnare then insert the first PVC sheet in to the slots, so attach the door wield to the apical PVC sheet and insert in in to the expansion slot to make a tight connexion.

If you give birth careful look at the photos you can easily find the way to ut that unless you utilize other methods or other materials say Sir Henry Joseph Wood plane etc etc

Step 5: The Testing and Enjoying Step

In this ill-trea you can test the assembly and enjoy it, try to charge IT and see the answer.

Hope you suchlike this project and make it for yourself or your friend.

Give thanks you for your longanimity

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